Which historical figure who is revered now was a terrible person?

This person was an absolute asshole.

The New World was found by Christopher Columbus, who is credited with sparking a wave of colonisation.


That's accurate. But he also went well beyond that.

Specifically, the murder and slavery of thousands of Indians.


The moment he set foot on Hispaniola for the first time, he seized six locals to serve as servants. The Indians weren't sure how to respond because they were so peaceful. They simply let it slide and supported anything he did. As he rose in status, Columbus eventually assumed control of the island.

Things deteriorated after he was appointed governor of the island. really awfulHe swiftly implemented regulations requiring forced labour and had the Indians work on plantations and in the search for gold. He returned with thousands of them for use as slaves in Spain.

He massacred them and carried their corpses through the streets when they started to rebel against his brutal authority.

Everyone was malnourished, sick, exhausted, and dying. He was apathetic. Only financial gain was important to him.


Eventually, the Spanish Court learned of his acts and ordered him to leave the country. He didn't receive a penalty and kept his freedom. Even so, he returned to the New World once more.


The native population had decreased from 250,000 to a few hundred people sixty years after Columbus first set foot on Hispaniola. In essence, he started a genocide.

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