the last card

 What is the most alarming fact about Russia that the majority of people are unaware of?

System of Perimeters

The Russian nuclear assault defence system includes it. A network of missile silos dispersed across Russian territory in secret places go into standby mode and wait for the signal to end a nuclear conflict. The command posts automatically transmit the cancel signal. If every one of these command posts is destroyed, the missile silos activate without sending a cancel signal. The so-called command rockets are fired first. They fly above Russian territory while signalling nuclear missile silos to launch. These nuclear missiles are then fired at predetermined targets.

This is the pinnacle of weapons of mass destruction. The invader will still be defeated even if it completely destroys Russia's military.

The Dead Hand is another name for the framework. The Perimeter system was developed during the Soviet era; its existence has never been officially verified or denied, but according to unauthorised claims, it might still be in use.

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