Goodness of wildlife

 درنیجِہ.writer  Mazhar ali

 As such, she is the goddess of wildlife. Her Greek name is Artemis.  Sheena has different names for it. It is also called Darnija, Raia Pianli, Mashgun and Lailagi. These names are its forms in different forms.  This is mainly related to the hunter. It guides the hunter in different ways. When it is possible to hunt, the hunter's weapon makes a soft crackling sound at night and the hunter takes the omen of certain prey and in the morning.  It goes out hunting in the dark before it happens. Sometimes it comes to the hunter in a state of ecstasy and gives full details about the prey.  She appears in the form of a little girl and guides him. Sometimes the hunter's companions would testify that such and such a hunter would talk to some invisible creature on the way and immediately tell his companions the details of Darneja's guidance and  The hunter was correctly pointing out that the hunter was in the place and indeed the hunter was present at the place mentioned by the hunter.  The source of Darnija is Dur, which means the state of Tanvimi, that is, the state between sleep and waking.  In common parlance, hepatism is a condition in which the sufferer loses his ability to distinguish, and the word derived from dar is dargni, meaning mantra.  And this word is a mixture of door and guinea and guinea means to tie or the cord by which the mouth of the bag etc. is tied.  When the snake sits with its mouth open to hunt small birds and the birds make a lot of noise in a flock on the upper tree and one of them falls into the mouth of the snake.  This action of the snake is called dargni and the removal of feathers is called nistai.  Guinea seems to be a suffix with Dar and it is an independent suffix and the source of this suffix is ​​Gnok source ie Bandhana and its name is for Gunu masculine and Guinea feminine.  The word darnija is actually a mixture of dar and neja, with the preposition on dal, neja free suffix meaning to suppress, to control, to be full.  Sometimes it is harmful to the person with whom it is disabled and even kills his child.  There are reasons for doing so. The first is that the hunter has angered her for whatever reason, which is why she seeks revenge for harming her offspring.  Plays are disrespected for any reason, such as jumping on top of them, etc. To celebrate it again, various herbs are washed and the hunter talks to a woman who has just given birth without going to her.  This woman eats a few snacks from the special food which is made of wheat and desi butter and gets up from there without talking and goes out for hunting.  Al-Mukhtasar brings the prey in front of the prey and the hunter hunts comfortably.

 Its other name is Raia Pianli. It grazes wild animals in this form and takes care of them. Raia Pianli means protective shepherd.  Its source is "P" which means animal or hidden power and with it at the end of the yanel the feminine suffix is ​​added and the pianli is formed.  It protects the wildlife. It informs the inhabitants of any area of ​​the problems they are facing and the solution to these problems through the priest.

 Mashgun, this is its third name, but some consider it a separate client.  Or if a hunter hunts a hundred markhor, then as a proof this goddess becomes subject to this hunter.  Mixing  Contracts, etc.

 (to be continued)

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